Interior Designing As a Career in Nepal

Author : Online Khabar
2nd July, 2018.

In a country where the study of engineering and architecture is still on the hype, there are really few institutions providing the courses of interior designing. With the rise of new startups and corporate businesses, the need for creative variation in both indoor and outdoor looks is also increasing that clearly justifies the scope of interior designing in Nepal. Realizing this opportunity, the number of students preferring to study interior designing is growing immensely but on the other hand, these institutions are too less to cover up the demand of such possible students in the whole market.


Traditional thoughts of interior designing as a career option

Author : Himalaya Darpan 
14th October, 2018.

Addressing the situation, Raju Maharjan, CEO at Halftone Designs Pvt. Ltd. mentioned,”There is no doubt that Nepal’s market for interior designing is huge. Day by day, we come across many buildings and infrastructures reflecting unique inventiveness and originality that is a plus point to attract popularity. That’s the reason why the spot of interior designing has moved to a better level compared to that of a few years back. Since the insight for this field is new when it comes to academics, there are few institutions providing the courses of interior designing. However, we can forecast a better growth in future because of its employability opportunity. Establishment of more respective institutions will produce more creative and employable interior designers for the country.”


He further added,“ Unlike the traditional thoughts of interior designing as a career option, we now can see better support from the parents.”



Cultural and Natural aspect designs of Nepal

Author : Rising Nepal
9th February, 2019.

The cultural and natural aspects of Nepal itself is the best teacher for the students to learn the sublime designs and lofty sustainability. You can crave inspiration from the “Aakhi-Jhyaal” of Durbar square to the escaping view of Nuwakot. But when it comes to academic courses, then we can’t be judgemental too fast. Looking at one side, the Nepalese institutions have ample ingenuity to teach their students in the best possible way. The recent massive earthquake has taught a lesson for these institutions to teach in a more sustainable way and remarkably, they are doing good to some extent. However, on the other side, there is still the problem of limitation of resources in Nepalese education system. Students are confined to stick with the boundaries of imagination set by the teacher. They are judged from the wooden models that might not be practical in real case scenarios. Whereas, few students still depend on what is taught inside the classroom rather than exploring the outer world. So, it’s complex to explain about the advancement and the quality of interior designing courses in Nepal but if we can put value in the two way approach between the students and teachers, then Nepal has a great potential.


The employ-ability of Nepalese interior designers performing in the international market

Author : Nepali Post
25th November, 2019.

 Most of the time, we follow what others are following rather than diverting our road to another range. The concept of interior designing is new in Nepal. This means that we have more employability because of less contestants competing for a certain number of contracts. If we can lead the designing with the mentioned five parameters, then there are ample job opportunities compared to any other professions. And to your second question, being Nepali is a sort of advantage for an interior designer because we come from the land full of elevated pagoda buildings and appealing decorations. If Nepalese interior designers resembling such exotic reflections are really doing good in the international market which is indeed a matter of pride for the whole country.

