Architectural Designs

An architectural drawing or architect's drawing is a technical drawing of a building (or building project) that falls within the definition of architecture. ... Historically, drawings were made in ink on paper or a similar material, and any copies required had to be laboriously made by hand.

An architectural drawing is a manual for a building. The architectural drawing is an illustration of what the final product will look like plus an instructional tool on how to achieve it. Architectural drawings can be devoted to depicting an overview of the building (i.e. an elevation) or they can focus on a particular element (a detail). All pieces of an architectural drawing give accurate information on how the final product.

  • Commercial building
  • Conceptual
  • Cultural
  • Institutional
  • Mobile house
  • Public buildings
  • Renovations
  • Residential




Architecture has been prevalent since the day man decided to create shelter. Whether you notice it or not, every space you live, work and play has been designed with a certain intention.  Whether the design is good or bad is a discussion we will delve into on another day. 

Eras of architecture have influenced one another throughout the ages. Universities have the tendency to focus on Western architecture, which refers to architecture in Europe and their impact in the Americas and other nations around the globe.

Here are the series of major architectural periods

  • Classical 
  • Gothic
  • Renaissance
  • Beaux Arts
  • Art Nouveau
  • Modern
  • Post Morden

Egyptians considered Imhotep as a creative and inventive intellectual by the way he enlarged the burial site at Sakkara that was also constructed in stages. He amplified the existing tomb by adding five mastabas that decrease in size creating this unique form of architecture known as the great pyramid of steps.

The three orders of architecture—the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian—originated in Greece. To these the Romans added, in practice if not in name, the Tuscan, which they made simpler than Doric, and the Composite, which was more ornamental than the Corinthian.


There are various types of architectural drawings. Some drawings are more conceptual in nature rather than technical. These include renderings and site plans, both types of drawings are intended to provide a broader overview of the project rather than specific details. On the other hand, drawings such as cut sheets and details provide extremely specific project information and are ridden with dimensions, notes, and guidelines. This type of architectural drawing is intended to specifically direct construction technique.

Here are some specific types of architecture design

  • Victorian. The Victorian Era (mid to late 19th Century) saw a return of many architectural styles including Gothic Revival, Tudor and Romanesque as well as influences from Asia and the Middle East. ...
  • Islamic. ...
  • Romanesque. ...
  • Baroque. ...
  • Tudor. ...
  • Bauhaus. ...
  • Neoclassical. ...
  • Renaissance.


A central benefit of architectural drawings is that a schedule and budget can be generated prior to the start of construction. Without architectural plans, much of the building's components would be up in the air until construction began. This would prove difficult for a general contractor to provide accurate pricing on the project or develop a realistic schedule. Architectural drawings show the majority of aspects involved in a project and allow a builder to plan accordingly. Contractors can verify required supplies, labor needs, and equipment preferences from architectural drawings.

We are searching for the best in solo and team contributions to the architectural profession. Creators who demonstrate that a building is more than its function - and that its presence affects the environment and influences all who enter it - for the better. We believe that the best architecture shapes the spaces within and without, making a lasting statement that inspires while pleasing the senses, complementing our surroundings and cultural identities. Architectural Design of the Year is the most prestigious award, given only to the individual or team that breaks new ground in form, function, and spirit.


  • Commercial building
  • Conceptual
  • Cultural
  • Institutional
  • Mobile house
  • Public buildings
  • Renovations
  • Residential>